AfroBeats MIDI Melody Kit
This is a very comprehensive MIDI kit to spark instant inspiration while in the studio. These melodies are hits GUARANTEED.
This kit contains:
– 10 MIDI FIles for Guitars
– 10 MIDI FIles for Bass
– 10 MIDI FIles for Kalimbas & Marimbas
– 10 MIDI FIles for Piano & Keys
– 10 MIDI FIles for Strings
All MIDI files were created by me (VeshBeats)
Composition, playing and Processing were done by VeshBeats.
-The samples and files in this kit are all “Royalty-Free”.
-This means you can use, reuse, remix, and otherwise modify downloaded samples “for use in any of your productions, including commercial projects”.
You may not:
Sell, loan, lend, broadcast, rent, lease, assign, any of these Samples to a third party except as incorporated into a derivative music production.”